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Terms and conditions of use

Terms and conditions of use for the http://oldfashionedclub.com/ platform

Objects and Features

The digital platform {http://oldfashionedclub.com} is at your disposal to present and promote the sales and concierge activities of AIM HOLDING. It offers a wide catalog of items for sale from its online store. The platform offers all the functions needed to sell products and services online (product/service sales, service booking, booking validation, online payment, invoicing, customer account)  The platform also features a contact form to facilitate exchanges between web visitors and the platform administrator.

The user of the platform, whether an individual or a legal entity, hereinafter referred to as the “User”, undertakes to comply with all of the provisions defined in the present document. This document, known as the “General Terms and Conditions of Use”, hereinafter referred to as the “GTCU”, is permanently accessible online via a link. Use of the platform   is optional and free of charge, excluding connection costs. The User is free to choose which shared services and information he or she wishes to access.

Enforceability and modification of the GTU

On the date of the User’s first use of the platform, the GCU are deemed to have been read, accepted and applicable. The GCU are enforceable throughout the period of use of the platform and until new provisions replace the present. The platform administrator reserves the right to make any changes to the GCU that it deems necessary or useful, and undertakes to inform the User of any new applicable provision, by temporarily displaying a single information window with a link to the modified “general conditions of use” or “GCU”.

Limitation of liability

The platform requires an Internet connection. To ensure that the platform functions correctly, the User must use an up-to-date version of his/her operating system. The platform is designed to adapt to a wide range of web-compatible hardware, as well as Android and IOS Web Mobile systems.

Equipment required

The platform requires an Internet connection. To ensure that the platform functions correctly, the User must use an up-to-date version of his/her operating system. The platform is designed to adapt to a wide range of web-compatible hardware, as well as Android and IOS Web Mobile systems.

Use of cookies

When accessing the platform, files – known as cookies – are installed on the User’s terminal and contain information such as the name and version of the browser used, browsing preferences, connection status, etc… The sole purpose of the cookies issued by the platform is to ensure the smooth running of the site and the analysis of anonymous visitor statistics, enabling us to improve the content and ergonomics of our presentations. see our Cookie policy

Modifying or deleting content

The platform may be subject to frequent updates. The contents and presentation may be modified or deleted by the administrator at any time without notice and without entitlement to compensation.

Temporary unavailability of the platform

The administrator may suspend the activity of the platform, without prior notice, in particular for maintenance reasons, but also for any other reason, in particular changes to Android or IOS systems. Temporary unavailability of the platform does not entitle the user to any compensation.


The User may renounce use of the platform at any time. The administrator may decide to close the platform permanently, without notice or compensation of any kind and for any reason whatsoever. In the event of closure, vested benefits are honored in accordance with the established contract. Once the platform has been closed, the administrator will keep only the information needed to respond to any disputes and for statistical purposes.

Objects and Features

The digital platform {http://oldfashionedclub.com} is at your disposal to present and promote the sales and concierge activities of AIM HOLDING. It offers a wide catalog of items for sale from its online store. The platform offers all the functions needed to sell products and services online (product/service sales, service booking, booking validation, online payment, invoicing, customer account… ). The platform also features a contact form to facilitate exchanges between web visitors and the platform administrator.

The user of the platform, whether an individual or a legal entity, hereinafter referred to as the “User”, undertakes to comply with all of the provisions defined in the present document. This document, known as the “General Terms and Conditions of Use”, hereinafter referred to as the “GTCU”, is permanently accessible online via a link. Use of the platform is optional and free of charge, excluding connection costs. The User is free to choose which shared services and information he or she wishes to access.


The name and address of the platform are the property of the website publisher. The texts, slogans, drawings, images, photographs, sounds, music, animated sequences with or without sound, videos with or without sound, logos, icons, graphic chips and all works integrated or linked to the platform are the property of the site publisher or of third parties who have authorized the site publisher to use them. Reproductions, on paper or computer, of the platform and the works reproduced therein are authorized provided that they comply with the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code and are strictly reserved for personal use, excluding any use for advertising, commercial or information purposes. With the exception of the above provisions, any reproduction, representation, use or modification, by any process whatsoever and on any medium whatsoever, of all or part of the platform, of all or part of the various works that make it up, without having obtained the prior authorization of the website publisher, is strictly forbidden, constitutes an infringement of copyright and may give rise to civil and/or criminal legal proceedings, as well as the payment of damages. The site publisher declines all responsibility for any content linked to the platform. The company publishing the site reserves the right to oppose the creation of any type of external link to the platform.

Principle of collection and procedures for exercising user rights

The platform’s data collection is optimized to comply with the European principle of minimization. With a view to respecting privacy, the company publishing the site undertakes to ensure that the collection and processing of personal information, carried out within the platform, is carried out in accordance with the RGPD (General Data Protection Regulation – European Regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 applicable on May 25, 2018) and the law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms and the Code of relations between the public and the administration : right of access, rectification, opposition, deletion… of data concerning the User, in particular inaccurate, incomplete, equivocal, out-of-date information… The User may exercise his rights by contacting the administrator at the following address contact@oldfashionedclub.com. A letter can also be sent to the company, at the postal address below: OLD FASHIONED CLUB, 4 rue des Saussaies 75008 PARIS. In this case, the User must indicate the e-mail address that was used (to enable the Collectivité to retrieve the data concerning him/her). Anyone making a false declaration on behalf of themselves or others is liable to prosecution and criminal penalties.

Personal data

To enable site users to benefit from the platform’s functionalities, the site processes personal data.
Personal data is any data that can be used to identify a user. This includes first and last name, postal address, e-mail address, etc. View our
Privacy policy

Security, communication and data neutrality

To enable site users to benefit from the platform’s functionalities, the site processes personal data.
Personal data is any data that can be used to identify a user. This includes first and last name, postal address, e-mail address, etc. View our
Privacy policy

Statistical data collection

The platform uses Google Analytics services to collect anonymous statistical information in order to analyze visits to the application’s pages and services.

View our
Privacy policy

Terms & Conditions

This digital platform is a service provided free of charge by AIM HOLDING. Its aim is to provide information and services adapted to digital transformation. It offers a concrete solution for adapting to new consumer habits and attracting new customers.
View our
Terms & Conditions

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